First Ever Twitter Football Match!

Missed out on the ‘First Ever Twitter Football Match’? Yes you heard it right!

This year the host nation Brazil, took the fever a few notches higher! Twitter was populated with #VanGaal, #NedVsGer, #BraVsCol, #ArgVsNed, #Neymar, #TheflyingDutchman & at a time with big names flourishing Twitter Trends & Tweet streams, Social media thought of recreating the magic in the virtual world.

Peter England decided to join in. They invented a version of Football of their own, with a “Twitter Twist” by creating a micro-site with a Peter England stadium, an integrated tweet stream & with some Twitter fans who love football; #TweetaGoal was ready to get off the ground.

Why #TweetaGoal?
  • To create brand awareness.

  • To connect with the audience

  • Utilizing the power of football to gain attention.
The Football Match!

The ‘goal’ of the game was to keep possession of the ball – & to do so, you had to send maximum tweets which meant possession of the ball was equal to tweeting. You could get possession of the ball only by tweeting more than anyone else who was also tweeting at that time. The more you tweet, higher the possession of the ball.

Tweeters were frantically tweeting to maintain possession of the ball, with an average of a tweet every 2 seconds.

Fouls in the form of ‘Red’ & ‘Yellow’ cards were given to tweeters who would spam the Tweet stream of #TweetAGoal.

Tweeters NOT tweeting about football were considered as an ‘Offside’.

Rules of Football were implemented & violators of the rules were penalized ‘Football’ style but on Twitter!

Winners were declared through a live tweet stream on the Peter England timeline.

The football craze got a hashtag – #TweetAGoal which was trending on Trends Map.

Our Analysis:

Peter England very efficiently & smartly used the world’s favorite sport ‘Football’ to their advantage. Brand awareness was created & at the same time football fans got something new & exciting to look forward to after the end of the World Cup. In all we think it was a win-win situation for both Peter England & Football lovers!
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