Email Marketing
Email Marketing: Striking The Right Balance Between Content And Product Marketing
Times have changed & so has the importance that we accord to certain practices. Take E-mail marketing for example, over the last few years Email marketing has somewhat lost its first place in the popularity contest to its cooler younger brother social media.

However, research shows that e-mail marketing is still one of the most powerful way to reach your audience & drive conversions on a limited budget.

It is not just an effective communication tool but also used in building relationships with prospective & current audiences. The data gathered through it also helps in boosting the ROI on your marketing strategy.

Here are some e-mail marketing tips to help you fine tune your strategy:

1. Know your target audience: The question that everyone wants answers to is ‘How does one get high Open & Click Through Rates? The key is to make your content as relevant and engaging as possible. Also, it is important to understand what your audience wants and how your email will be helpful to them.

2. Personalise your content: You can personalise your e-mail content based on your target audience’s interest, demographic, industry, among others. The key is finding the perfect blend between the content and the product/service.

3. Testing & Testing!: From time to time it is important to tweak different aspects of in your email marketing to optimize results. You can run A/B testing by tweaking your subject line, trying different layouts, changing the tone of your message, timings, frequency, among other things.

4. Promote Social Sharing: Research show that emails that have at least one social sharing button have more than 100% higher click through rates. Hence, it is important to analyse the social media platforms that are most popular with your audience and include them in your e-mail marketing strategies.

Our Take:

In conclusion, Email Marketing is still one of the best ways to have a direct contact & touchbase with the customers. Right Content to the Right People at the Right Time will definitely yeild the Right Results.

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